Saturday 12 October 2013

I need to get tested...for twatness?

So my casual Saturday night; in the conservatory sitting crying instead of practising the piano, you know the usual. Why you may ask, am I crying? No, I did not look at myself in the mirror and realise how ugly I am (the usual remark when I burst out laughing). Actually, I was thinking that I am overwhelmed by too much brain activity, yes, I know unusual, but then I was just recalling what had going on. And, wait for it....I had school, school friends, swimming, piano and family life. I AM SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN. I just stopped crying and realised what a twat I am: crying because I have a normal life. I mean, I don't have to fend for myself, I am not an orphan and I have no other major problems. But no, I cry because I have a few school tests and fighting a bit with my mum. WHAT A TWAT! I need to improve my vocabulary because I can't call myself a twat twice! There's a million things I am, and I cant think of two things to call myself!
Now new things in my life; stalking my opposite neighbour, he went to close his blinds and mine were already closed but there was this little gap which I could see through, and I just stared at him - I could only see a black figure with weird hair- and he just stopped and I kept on  staring. Not once did it occur to me that he could see me too. Such a retard.  My best-friend has gone all sulky, as if she's a brat, and even if she does ever reads this, she needs to hear this. I have quite a few best friends but she's is just asking so moody, I mean what is wrong?! Yes, sometimes (there's four of us in this little possy) we do get annoyed at each other but we settle it. She's lovely but she snaps at us and has these snarky little comments that annoys everyone-wait that's me-, she just says stuff like:
I say "wait, I'll walk with you."
She politely replies "It doesn't take two of us to walk there."
Well, I love her but she needs to sort out her issues. She doesn't talk to us and well, I cant blame her. We use each other to get through school, we don't actually know each other and talk about problems. So when my friend that I have kept in contact with when I moved, says to me "How the hell are you going to have sex?" via text, I am squirming. I mean I have gone from keeping my feelings inside to her bluntness. How we got to this point in the conversation, I don't know but it got there. I mean the most me and my friends talk openly about is that we are going to have a wee. Pretty boring-this could explain why I was crying on a Saturday night and not partying hard..... I am not telling you how I answered. 
So I conclude that I may be a twat, Bitch, retard, drama queen, ugly etc. Now, I can think of names!
But frankly, I don't give a flying monkey and since that's pretty spectacular ( a flying monkey), I really don't care. But I do...wait...WHAT?!  Well, yeah I do but I don't want to care.....

Goodbye, my flying monkeys.....

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