Tuesday 13 November 2012

oops sorry

Haven't written for a while but i guess that's normal for me...unreliable and irresponsible! i know you are meant to be a lot of things to succeed including positive. But hell no! If they think i will be positive about coming to school everyday and going through the same bloody routine everyday! Then they have another thing coming! I mean fair enough put some enthusiasm into somethings but a constant smile and people are going to think I'm on crack!
As well as this if i have so much confidence I'm going to have a massive ego! Trust me i do not want  that and also I'm really shy! Now that angered me! Where the hell did the girl where i entered public speaking competitions and crap like that? I can't even stand in front of a bloody class and read a statement without shaking i think i have a problem! I have no confidence...ok.. well that's a lie. I'm pretty confident outside of school and loud and annoying but in school i can't stop eating my jumper and I'm terrible with confrontation but at home well i live to argue with my sibling!
Have i changed so much? Wow this post is deep, i should value it not very often ;does it come. Ok i get it you think i am crazy but 1. How the hell am I meant to ask these random question to my best friends without looking at me funny and sending my to psychiatric ward 2. And my mother had me tested so I'm not! (Did anyone else love 'Big Band Theory'? Or am i just that sad? )In fact don't even answer that i don't want to know because i have a feeling i won't like the answer!
Oh and peeps(my now nickname for my audience of one-myself) does anyone know how to work this damn blogger thing? All i know how to do is post and i think i even get that wrong!

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