Monday, 5 August 2013

Like a bubbly ginger ale....

I AM BACK! Not like terminator, I am not going round killing people. But I am back to being my cheery,  naïve, annoying, peppy self. If you did not know my age: fifteen(recently turned) you would indeed think I was 8. Firstly because I am the size of a garden gnome and secondly because I am VERY childish.
It's like I have many different faces, mainly the one of being smiley but somehow at school I manage this perception that I am quiet, shy and hard-working. When indeed my mother has had to confiscate my IPhone, my brand new shoes(that I loved so much I even did the hoover in them) and my free-time. I am now being forced to learn how to cook, it's not even a little splash into the pool with a step-by-step guide but a push-off-the-cliff-into-the-deepest-part-of-the-ocean. I was made to do a roast chicken on Sunday...I know grown women(mostly on desperate housewives) who struggle to cook one of them. But of course a fifteen year-old who struggles to make gravy(adding hot water to a powder) will be fine, cooking a chicken -in which you could get a disease from it being under cooked-, making sweet potato chips, a marinade and making some kind of side of vegetables to go with it. Let me tell you now: IT WAS NOT FINE.
i may not be the best reader of body language but I know when someone looks as if they're going to sick whilst shoving my food in their mouth. IT IS NOT TASTY. So mother, i don't know what century you grew up in but in this may as well spill the truth because lying will induce you to further torture when i try to cook more - which i wont be doing- and force you to eat it.
Although i have recently discovered i am not a entire fail in the kitchen; i was thirsty on the now cold, rainy British day so i wanted a steamy hot mocha. but of course there was none, i used my magnificent culinary skills to put coffee grains in a mug as well as hot chocolate powder in the same mug. Creating a mocha of my own accord! i am not a total fail of a woman. I'll just have to date a chef or they can provide me with ready-meals for my entire life. SEE MOTHER I DO NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW TO ROAST A CHICKEN WHEN ASDA DOES HOT CHICKEN COOKED AND READY TO EAT!!!!
this same principle should be taken into account for school, you always see those funny links to pictures where they state why they don't need maths: they have a calculator, history: they're already dead. But my reason is more serious to that, i mean so just because Hitler is dead we should forget him and let Nazi's rule because Hitler's dead so we shouldn't worry. NO DUMBASS! Or when you're in the market buying peaches and the greedy person behind the counter asks for £5 for two peaches, are you going to get out your calculator to check that two peaches at 50p each should be £5? Let me tell you know: markets are busy places. If you do not say something, someone will push you to the back so they can ask for tomatoes even though it's a stand clearly just for peaches. No, my main point is that why should you learn irrelevant stuff that just junks up your brain? I don't need to know poems to become a pilot....
I don't want to become a was just an example. I mean i lose every single game on Mario kart and i am literally the worst person on the small helicopter rides on the fairground because i always end up with the broken one that won't move and inch. I would end up with the faulty plane or i would break it.....
Anyway, i just don't think we should be forced to learn the stuff that we won't need; geography, i don't want to be a geographer but i had to take a humanities!! I love geography because it is fairly easy but i would have much rather taken an option that maybe taught me how democracy works or just basic plumbing courses so I'm not entirely helpless or what to do now to help me get into universities. That would be so much more helpful than finding out if tourism has a positive or negative effect on Jamaica or something!
And i thought i wasn't girly enough....i just spent this whole thing ranting. And a woman loves to rant.
Hasta la Vista, baby.
So maybe i am like terminator....

PS. Just wondering if there was anyone out there actually reading. I didn't realise i had limited comments to users only, so its open to everyone now. Just send me a comment. I'm not one of those people just in this for the reads i just needed something to get my messed-up brain some place to free. But i was just curious. :)

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