Saturday, 3 November 2012

first intro about me

so this is what i do now in my spare time. i have obviously nothing better to do, not that writing a blog is a bad thing, considerably not! In fact I'm pretty sure it's pretty different, getting unknown people and readers opening your writing that is all over the Internet. Normally the competitive streak wins and you race to have as many readers, the number increasing as your blog holds gossip or whatever exciting things excite the world today.
But what happens if you share your feelings? Does that just mean you have no friends? Maybe...... if i were to explain my feelings then wouldn't everyone have to know the whole background of my life(so far) and every detail to really understand. That would take ages....... well, not that long since 1. my life is as interesting as  a dried pea and 2. my life only consists of 14 years. The latter meaning i have very little experience. huh...i wonder if anyone will actually read this or am i just rabbiting on about whatever spontaneous junk fills my head at this current moment? Or am i experiencing the first signs of craziness and talking to myself, online, completely humiliating myself. 

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